Explore Our Teaching Artist Roster!

The purpose of the Teaching Artists Roster is to make finding great artists for residencies and workshops easier. This roster provides searchable information on artists and arts organizations who offer residencies and workshops for PreK-12 grade students in Madison public schools. The information provided is self-reported by the artists and arts organizations.


Browse, filter, sort or search the roster below using criteria like cultural/historical context, arts integration subject, grades served, languages spoken, and more. Once you find a match, contact the artist using the information provided in the record and discuss with them if their program fits your residency needs.


This roster provides a gallery of artists, but it does not circumvent the regular steps to host a residency and getting necessary approvals. Your responsibilities include:

  1. Holding a planning meeting with the artist to discuss expectations

  2. Vetting the artist as needed

  3. Requesting a background check if required by your school

  4. Getting approval from your principal

  5. Determining alignment with National Core Arts Standards as applicable

Helpful documents for planning and executing a successful residence:


For support from MMSD, contact Director of Arts Education Dan Davidson, dwdavidson@madison.k12.wi.us

For general questions, contact the Any Given Child leadership team by emailing info@anygivenchildmadison.com or calling (608) 258-4151.

Any Given Child Teaching Artist Roster